
Library Committee is constituted for the purpose of smooth functioning of the library and coordination with all Heads of the Department, faculty members, students and the management. This committee is an advisory body nominated to provide advice, support, and liaison for the faculty, the individual departments, and the Librarian on matters of the role of the Library in academic learning, budgeting, collection development, bibliographic instruction, automation, circulation, and reference services. Academic departments have responsibility for the quality of their collections.

  1. 1.Advise on Library strategic plan.
  2. 2.Advise on library services.
  3. 3.Advise on planning for renovating the Library.
  4. 4.Advise on library weeding out procedures.
  5. 5.Advise on budget planning.
  6. 6.Advise on improving information literacy.
  7. 7.Advise on formation & implementation of new rules & regulations.
  8. 8.Advise on library assessment.
  • Mr. More
  • Librarian